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Preparing for your surgery



Fasting: Ask your physician for specific instructions, but you should not have anything to eat or drink after midnight on the night prior to the day of your surgery. Alcohol should not be consumed within at least 12 hours of your procedure.

Transportation: After your procedure, you will not be allowed to drive home on your own, and must be accompanied by a guardian (usually a family member or friend). Please make arrangements for transportation prior to coming in for surgery.

Communication: Please make sure to communicate any changes in your health or new medications prior to your surgery. If you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, chills, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, be sure to call us right away.

• A member of our team will contact you prior to the date of your surgery with a reminder of your procedure date, time, and anything you must bring with you.

Surgical Departments

Conditions & Treatments


Associated Surgical Center
129 W. Rand Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847-565-2600

Office Hours

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